As a regional leader in custom risk management and insurance solutions for the protection of accomplished individuals and companies, Instrade Insurance Broker has transcended the traditional role of an intermediary, becoming an advisor and an advocate for our clients. By utilizing our extensive experience and expertise, we ensure that the needs and objectives of our clients are appropriately integrated into an overall risk management strategy.
Instrade has a wide portfolio of clients and products, with a focus on liabilities, CAR, industrial risks and property, cargo risks, bonds and health insurance. After 28 years of business, Instrade Insurance Broker has proven to be a leader on the Bulgarian market and is one of the founding members of the Bulgarian Association of Insurance Brokers. In 2021, Instrade successfully insured the Triumphal Arch in Paris for the L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped project by the world-famous artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude.
36, Dragan Tsankov blvd., World Trade Center
1040, Bulgaria